Speech by Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel at the Munich Security Conference 17.02.2018 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________... Viac
Keynote speech by the President of Estonia at MSC side event “NATO’s Challenges on the Eastern Flank: Enhancing Forward Presence and Maintaining Cohesion“ 15.02.2018 _______________________... Viac
Prime Minister Theresa May’s speech at the 2018 Munich Security Conference 17 February 2018 ____________________________________________________________________________________________... Viac
Speech by Federal Minister of Defence Dr Ursula von der Leyen on the occasion of the opening of the 54th Munich Security Conference in Munich 16 February 2018 ______________________________... Viac
Uniting for a Great Brexit: Foreign Secretary’s speech Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson today (14 February 2018) set out the path for an outward-facing, liberal and global Britain follo... Viac
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview for the show Main Actors with Nailya Asker-Zade on Rossiya 1 Moscow February 11, 2018 _____________________________________________________________... Viac
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to questions at a meeting with the finalists of the Leaders of Russia contest Russian Diplomatic Leadership in Today’s World Sochi, Febru... Viac
Európska komisia prijala 6. februára stratégiu pre západný Balkán. Dokument s názvom „Dôveryhodná perspektíva rozšírenia pre krajiny západného Balkánu a väčšia angažovanosť EÚ v tejto oblast... Viac
Prime Minister Theresa May – speech in China 31 January 2018 Prime Minister Theresa May spoke in Beijing about building on our deep and mature ties with China, during her first visit... Viac
Speech by Federal Foreign Minister S. Gabriel at the 11th annual conference of the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) in Tel Aviv 31.01.2018 _____________________________________... Viac