Joint press point with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and the Vice President of the United States of America, Michael Pence Brussels, Belgium, NATO Headquarters, February 20,... Viac
Remarks by SACS Chairman John McCain at the 2017 Munich Security Conference Feb 17 2017 “Thank you, Ian, for that kind introduction. Let me also thank the German government and people, as al... Viac
Remarks by the Vice President at the Munich Security Conference Munich, Germany February 18, 2017 THE VICE PRESIDENT: Thank you, Ambassador Ischinger. Chancellor Merkel, Secretary G... Viac
Remarks by Secretary Mattis at the Munich Security Conference in Munich, Germany Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, Feb. 17, 2017 ______________________________________________________________... Viac
Prezident USA Donald Trump uskutočnil 16. februára dlhú, skoro hodinu a pol trvajúcu tlačovú konferenciu. Konferencia bola venovaná rozličným aspektom politiky Spojených štátov. Tlačová konf... Viac
Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel in Joint Press Conference The White House, February 15, 2017 _______________________________________________________________... Viac
V rámci amerického senátneho výboru pre ozbrojené sily sa 9. februára 2017 uskutočnilo rokovanie venované situácii v Afganistane – „The Situation in Afghanistan“. Doklad o situácii predloži... Viac
V súvislosti s potenciálnym ohrozením civilných a vládnych inštitúcií a kritickej infraštruktúry USA pripravuje sa nariadenie prezidenta Donalda Trumpa, ktoré má riešiť aktuálne otázky kyber... Viac
President Trump and Prime Minister May’s Opening Remarks The White House, January 27, 2017 _____________________________________________________________________________________________... Viac
Publikujeme vystúpenie Špeciálneho generálneho inšpektora pre obnovu Afganistanu (Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction – SIGAR) Johna Sopka – “Afghanistan Re... Viac