Vo výbore pre vnútornú bezpečnosť americkej Snemovne reprezentantov (Homeland Security Committee U.S. House of Representatives) sa 30. novembra 2017 uskutočnilo rokovanie pod názvom „Celosv... Viac
The U.S. and Europe: Strengthening Western Alliances Rex W. Tillerson, Secretary of State Jane Harman, President and CEO of the Wilson Center The Wilson Center, Washington, DC, November 28,... Viac
Statement by the Presidents of the Russian Federation and the United States of America November 11, 2017 President Trump and President Putin today, meeting on the margins of the APEC confere... Viac
Press Conference with U. S. Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis at NATO Headquarters Brussels, Belgium, Nov. 9, 2017 SECRETARY OF DEFENSE JIM SEC. MATTIS: Well, good afternoon, ladies an... Viac
V dňoch 8. – 10. novembra 2017 sa na základe pozvania prezidenta Číny Xi Jinpinga uskutočnila oficiálna návšteva prezidenta USA Donalda J. Trumpa v Číne. Obsahom rokovania bolo široké spekt... Viac
Remarks by President Trump to the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea National Assembly Building, Seoul, Republic of Korea November 07, 2017 __________________________________________... Viac
Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister Abe of Japan in Joint Press Conference Akasaka Palace, Tokyo, Japan November 06, 2017 _________________________________________________________... Viac
Výskumné pracovisko Kongresu USA (Congressional Research Service) vypracovalo materiál U.S. Role in the World: Background and Issues for Congress, ktorého úlohou je poskytnúť americkým kong... Viac
Ministerstvo obrany USA publikovalo svoju výročnú správu pre Kongres USA, venovanú bezpečnostnej politike Číny a hodnoteniu vojenskej sily Číny „Military and Security Developments Involving... Viac
Remarks as prepared for delivery by The Honorable Dan Coats Director of National Intelligence Protecting Our Homeland, Homeland Security Week Conference Thursday, October 26 ________________... Viac