Publikujeme vystúpenie Špeciálneho generálneho inšpektora pre obnovu Afganistanu (Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction – SIGAR) Johna Sopka – “Afghanistan Re... Viac
Remarks by President Trump and Vice President Pence at CIA Headquarters Langley, Virginia, January 21, 2017 __________________________________________________________________________________... Viac
The Inaugural Address REMARKS OF PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 2017 WASHINGTON, D.C. Chief Justice Roberts, President Carter, President Clinton, President Bush, President... Viac
Remarks by the President in Final Press Conference ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ January 18,... Viac
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to media questions at a news conference on the results of Russian diplomacy in 2016 _____________________________________________________... Viac
The government’s negotiating objectives for exiting the EU _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________... Viac
U.S.-Vietnam: A Partnership That Will Endure __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ John Kerry ,Secretary... Viac
Nastupujúci prezident USA D. Trump uskutočnil 11. januára 2017 v New Yorku svoju prvú tlačovú konferenciu po prezidentských voľbách. Na konferencii sa okrem neho zúčastnili viceprezident M.P... Viac
Remarks by the President in Farewell Address January 10, 2017, McCormick Place, Chicago, Illinois ____________________________________________________________________________________________... Viac
V rámci odovzdávania moci administratíve nového prezidenta USA vystúpila s prejavom poradkyňa prezidenta B. Obamu pre národnú bezpečnosť E. Riceová. Prejav bol venovaný zhodnoteniu vládnut... Viac