Remarks by SACS Chairman John McCain at the 2017 Munich Security Conference Feb 17 2017 “Thank you, Ian, for that kind introduction. Let me also thank the German government and people, as al... Viac
Remarks by the Vice President at the Munich Security Conference Munich, Germany February 18, 2017 THE VICE PRESIDENT: Thank you, Ambassador Ischinger. Chancellor Merkel, Secretary G... Viac
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s address and answers to questions at the 53rd Munich Security Conference Munich, February 18, 2017 Ladies and gentlemen, Ten years ago, President of Russia Vl... Viac
Statement by President of Ukraine at the 53rd Munich Security Conference 17 February 2017 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________... Viac
Remarks by Secretary Mattis at the Munich Security Conference in Munich, Germany Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, Feb. 17, 2017 ______________________________________________________________... Viac
“Strengthening Europe is the right response” Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel talks to the Frankfurter Allgemeine newspaper (interview published on 16 February 2017) _________________________... Viac
Prezident USA Donald Trump uskutočnil 16. februára dlhú, skoro hodinu a pol trvajúcu tlačovú konferenciu. Konferencia bola venovaná rozličným aspektom politiky Spojených štátov. Tlačová konf... Viac
Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel in Joint Press Conference The White House, February 15, 2017 _______________________________________________________________... Viac
Minister zahraničných vecí Ruskej federácie Sergej Lavrov, poskytol rozhovor televíznej stanici NTV. Rozhovor publikujeme v plnom znení v anglickom a ruskom jazyku. * * * * * Foreign Ministe... Viac
Minister Witold Waszczykowski on Polish diplomacy priorities in 2017 The Sejm, 9 February 2017 _____________________________________________________________________________________________... Viac