Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with the Mir Interstate Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, May 10, 2017 ___________________________________________________________... Viac
V kazašskej Astane bolo 4. mája 2017 podpísané „Memorandum o zriadení deeskalačních oblastí v Sýrskej arabskej republike.“ Dokument podpísali Irán, Turecko a Rusko a jej zámerom je vytvoriť... Viac
Remarks to U.S. Department of State Employees Rex W. Tillerson , Secretary of State Dean Acheson Auditorium, Washington, DC, May 3, 2017 _____________________________________________________... Viac
Prezident Vladimír Putin nasadil v Sýrii „novú tajnú zbraň“ – uviedol nedávno internetový portál amerického časopisu Foreign Policy /Putin Has a New Secret Weapon in Syria: Chechens/.... Viac
Press statements and answers to media questions following meeting with Federal Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel May 2, 2017, Sochi ________________________________________________________... Viac
Remarks by President Trump at Make America Great Again Rally Farm Show Complex & Expo Center Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, April 29, 2017 ____________________________________________________... Viac
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks at the Sixth Moscow Conference on International Security Moscow, April 26, 2017 _____________________________________________________________________... Viac
Prof. Richard J. Aldrich a prof. Christopher R. Moran z britskej University of Warwick uverejnili v americkom časopise Foreign Affairs analýzu „Trump and the CIA“, kde prezentujú... Viac
Press Conference by Secretary Mattis in Afghanistan Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis; General John Nicholson, Commander, Resolute Support and U.S. Forces Afghanistan April 24, 2017 __________... Viac
Remarks by the Vice President Aboard USS Ronald Reagan Yokosuka Naval Base, Yokosuka City, Japan, April 19, 2017 _____________________________________________________________________________... Viac