Joint Statement Between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United States of America May 23, 2017 ____________________________________________________________________________________________... Viac
Statement of Extraordinary Summit of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC) and the United States of America May 23, 2017 _____________________________________________... Viac
Interview – Rex W. Tillerson Secretary of State with Chris Wallace of Fox News Sunday May 21, 2017 ____________________________________________________________________________________... Viac
Prezident USA D. Trump vystúpil 21. mája 2017 s prejavom na Arabsko-islamsko-americkom summite. Tento sa uskutočnil v v saudskoarabskom Rijáde, za účasti predstaviteľov 55 krajín. Trump vyzv... Viac
Department of Defense Press Briefing by Secretary Mattis, General Dunford and Special Envoy McGurk on the Campaign to Defeat ISIS in the Pentagon Press Briefing Room Secretary of Defense Jim... Viac
Asociácia bývalých spravodajských dôstojníkov spolu s Fakultou práva Paneurópskej vysokej školy v Bratislave usporiadali 6.decembra 2016 v poradí už desiate medzinárodné sympózium na tému... Viac
Work Together to Build the Silk Road Economic Belt and The 21st Century Maritime Silk Road Full text of President Xi’s speech at opening of B&R Forum The Belt and Road Forum for In... Viac
Vladimir Putin answered media questions following a working visit to the People’s Republic of China. May 15, 2017 ____________________________________________________________________________... Viac
Joint press point with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and German Chancellor Angela Merkel 11 May. 2017 ______________________________________________________________________________... Viac
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to media questions following talks with US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Washington DC, May 10, 2017 ________________________________... Viac