Climate, Europe, Trade: The priorities of Jean-Yves Le Drian Interview given by M. Jean-Yves Le Drian, Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, to the daily newspaper Les Echos Paris, 20 Jul... Viac
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with «NBC» Moscow, July 21, 2017 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________... Viac
“The world is not in a good state” Interview with Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel about the G20 Summit in Hamburg, a new policy of détente and European help for Italy in the refugee issue.... Viac
Riaditeľ CIA Mike Pompeo predniesol 11. júna 2017 príhovor na večeri vedenia INSA (The Intelligence National Security Alliance). V svojom príhovore definoval najvýznamnejšie hrozby pre bezpe... Viac
Remarks by President Trump and President Macron of France in Joint Press Conference July 13, 2017, Élysée Palace, Paris, France ______________________________________________________________... Viac
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to media questions at the Korber Foundation Berlin, July 13, 2017 _______________________________________________________________________... Viac
Pri príležitosti dvadsiateho výročia podpísania dohody o osobitnom partnerstve medzi NATO a Ukrajinou sa v dňoch 9. – 10. júla 2017 uskutočnila návšteva Severoatlantickej rady a GT NATO J.... Viac
Joint Press Availability: Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko Kyiv, Ukraine, July 9, 2017 __________________________________________________________... Viac
V Hamburgu sa 7. júla 2017 uskutočnilo prvé rokovanie medzi prezidentom RF V. Putinom a USA D. Trumpom. O rokovaní následne informovali ministri zahraničných vecí RF S. Lavrov a USA R. Tille... Viac
The G20 has rarely been this important Interview with Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel on the G20 Summit in Hamburg and the risk of a confrontation with the United States. Published in the Ha... Viac