Secretary Mattis Joint Press Conference with Ukrainian President Poroshenko Aug. 24, 2017 __________________________________________________________________________________________________... Viac
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson Press Availability Rex W. Tillerson, Secretary of State, Press Briefing Room, Washington, DC, August 22, 2017 _______________________________________________... Viac
Úrad boja proti terorizmu Organizácie spojených národov /The United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism/ publikoval správu venovanú problematike zahraničných teroristických bojovníkov v Sýri... Viac
Remarks by President Trump on the Strategy in Afghanistan and South Asia Fort Myer, Arlington, Virginia, August 21, 2017 _____________________________________________________________________... Viac
Arms do not create security Article by Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel in the “Rheinische Post” of 16 August 2017 ____________________________________________________________________________... Viac
“Germany must remain a force for peace” Interview by Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel on transatlantic relations, the North Korea conflict, Turkey, his recent visit to South Sudan, and dealin... Viac
Remarks by Vice President Pence to the Argentine and Latin American Business Community La Bolsa de Comercio de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina, August 15, 2017 ________________________... Viac
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to questions at the Terra Scientia on Klyazma River National Educational Youth Forum Vladimir Region, August 11, 2017 ___________________... Viac
Internetový portál ruského denníka Vedomosti v článku „Почему санкции против России внешне неэффективны“ analyzuje účinok sankcií proti Rusku, ktoré podľa expertov spôsobujú zaostávanie ekon... Viac
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson With Press Rex W. Tillerson, Secretary of State, En Route Guam August 9, 2017 _______________________________________________________________________________... Viac