Prejav ministra zahraničných vecí Ruska Sergeja Lavrova na 72. zasadnutí Valného zhromaždenia OSN New York, 21. september 2017 Vážený pán Predseda, Vážené dámy a páni, V decembri minu... Viac
President of the Republic of Poland delivers address at West Point Academy Thursday, 21 September 2017 Dear General Caslen, Distinguished generals, officers, members of the faculty, D... Viac
Prime Minister Theresa May Florence speech: a new era of cooperation and partnership between the UK and the EU 22 September 2017 It’s good to be here in this great city of Florence t... Viac
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with TASS and The Associated Press New York, September 20, 2017 Question: After your meeting with Secretary Tillerson, how would you evaluate the... Viac
Prejav prezident SR Andrej Kisku na 72. Valnom zhromaždení OSN v New Yorku. 19. septembra 2017 Vážený pán predseda, generálny tajomník, Vaše Excelencie, vážení delegáti, dámy a páni.... Viac
Remarks by President Trump to the 72nd Session of the United Nations General Assembly United Nations, New York September 19, 2017 ____________________________________________________________... Viac
Interview With John Dickerson of CBS’s Face the Nation Rex W. Tillerson , Secretary of State, Washington, DC September 17, 2017 ________________________________________________________... Viac
Internetový portál denníka The Wall Street Journal v komentári Andrew Browna „China Points Its Korea Rage South, Not North“ poukázal na to, že zatiaľ čo v posledných mesiacoch Severná Kórea... Viac
Internetový portál agentúry Bloomberg uverejnil zaujímavý komentár Leonida Beršidského –„The Zapad Military Exercise Reveals Putin’s Fear“, ktorý veľké ruské vojensk... Viac
PETRO POROSHENKO – Opening speech at the 14th Yalta European Strategy Annual Meeting “Is This a New World? And What Does It Mean for Ukraine?” 15 September 2017 _______________________... Viac