Prezident Ruskej federácie V. Putin uskutočnil 14. decembra každoročnú veľkú tlačovú konferenciu. Konferencia trvala tri a trištvrte hodiny, prítomných bolo 1 640 novinárov a naživo ju vysi... Viac
On „Meeting the Foreign Policy Challenges of 2017 and Beyond“ Rex W. Tillerson, Secretary of State The 2017 Atlantic Council-Korea Foundation Forum Washington, DC, December 12, 2... Viac
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to media questions at a news conference following the 24th OSCE Ministerial Council meeting Vienna, December 8, 2017 ____________________... Viac
Internetový portál mimovládnej organizácie Project Syndicate prezentoval názor profesora Harvardskej univerzity Josepha S. Nyea, ktorý bol námestníkom amerického ministra obrany pre bezpečno... Viac
Veľká Británia a Európska únia dosiahli v prvej fáze rokovania dostatočný pokrok v každej z troch prioritných oblastí – v oblasti práv občanov, dialógu o Írsku a Severnom Írsku a v otá... Viac
Why Europe needs a new foreign policy Federal Foreign Minister Gabriel’s speech at the Berlin Foreign Policy Forum 05.12.2017 __________________________________________________________... Viac
Presidential Proclamation Recognizing Jerusalem as the Capital of the State of Israel and Relocating the United States Embassy to Israel to Jerusalem December 06, 2017 ______________________... Viac
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’ remarks and answers to media questions during the Rome MED: Mediterranean Dialogues international conference Rome, December 1, 2017 __________________________... Viac
Joint Statement to the Media Rex W. Tillerson, U.S. Secretary of State European Union High Representative Federica Mogherini Brussels, Belgium December 5, 2017 _____________________________... Viac
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with Belarusian television network RTR Belarus, December 2, 2017 __________________________________________________________________________________... Viac