Global Disorder – Other Opportunities for a New Agenda Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to media questions during the 56th Munich Security Conference Munich, February 15,... Viac
ZODPOVEDNOSŤ LÍDROV PRI OCHRANE PRÁVNEHO ŠTÁTU Zuzana Čaputová, prezidentka Slovenskej republiky 16.2.2020 ___________________________________________________________________________________... Viac
The West Is Winning Michael R. Pompeo, Secretary Of State February 15, 2020 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________... Viac
Opening of the Munich Security Conference Munich, 14 February 2020 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________... Viac
Americké Národné centrum kontrarozviedky a bezpečnosti (The National Counterintelligence and Security Center – NCSC) predstavilo novú kontrarozviednu stratégiu USA na roky 2020-2022 (N... Viac
Francúzsky prezident Emanuel Macron predniesol vo vojenskej škole „Ecole de Guerre“ zásadný prejav, venovaný francúzskej bezpečnostnej a obrannej politike, vrátane problematiky j... Viac
V Litve bolo 4. februára 2020 predstavené národné hodnotenie hrozieb na rok 2020 – „National Threat Assessment 2020“. Dokument je vypracovaný v spolupráci civilnej (State Security Department... Viac
Remarks by President Trump in State of the Union Address February 4, 2019 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________... Viac
Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s speech in Greenwich 3 February 2020 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________... Viac
Secretary Michael R. Pompeo and British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab Discussion on the Future of the Special Relationship January 30, 2020 _________________________________________________... Viac