Comment from the Press Service of the President of Russia April 7, 2017 The President of Russia regards the US airstrikes on Syria as an act of aggression against a sovereign state delivered... Viac
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with the National Interest Magazine published on March 29, 2017 ___________________________________________________________________________... Viac
Minister zahraničných vecí Ruskej federácie Sergej Lavrov vystúpil 23. marca 2017 s prednáškou „Úloha Ruska v globálnej politike“ na Vojenskej akadémii generálneho štábu v Moskve. Lavrov okr... Viac
V USA sa v rámci Výboru pre zahraničné veci Snemovne reprezentantov (The House Foreign Affairs Committee) uskutočnilo 9. marca 2017 rokovanie venovanej problematike ruských dezinformácii po... Viac
Joint news conference with President of Russia Vladimir Putin and President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan Following the meeting of the High-Level Russian-Turkish Cooperation Council, Vladim... Viac
We need a firm political will to implement the Minsk agreements Interview by Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel with the Russian news agency Interfax on the occasion of his visit to Moscow, pub... Viac
Atmosféru eskalovanej rusofóbie vo Washingtone vnímajú negatívne aj triezvo uvažujúci americkí analytici a komentátori, ktorí sa nenechali strhnúť vybičovanými emóciami prívržencov Hillary C... Viac
Russian Defence Minister gave a speech at a session of the State Duma in course of the Government Hour 22.02.2017 ____________________________________________________________________________... Viac
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s address and answers to questions at the 53rd Munich Security Conference Munich, February 18, 2017 Ladies and gentlemen, Ten years ago, President of Russia Vl... Viac
Statement by President of Ukraine at the 53rd Munich Security Conference 17 February 2017 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________... Viac