V súčasnosti je aktuálnou témou medzinárodných vzťahov zámer USA odstúpiť od Zmluvy o likvidácii rakiet stredného a krátkeho doletu (INF – Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty). Zmluva b... Viac
Meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club Vladimir Putin took part in the plenary session of the 15th anniversary meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club. October 18, 2... Viac
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with RT France, Paris Match and Le Figaro 18 October 2018 _________________________________________________________________________________________... Viac
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with Euronews Moscow, October 16, 2018 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________... Viac
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and replies to media questions at the joint news conference following talks with Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic Miro... Viac
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s answers to media questions on the sidelines of the 73rd Session of the UN General Assembly New York, September 28, 2018 _____________________________________... Viac
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks at the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly New York, September 28, 2018 _________________________________________________________________________... Viac
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and responses to questions at the Germany-Russia Forum Berlin, September 14, 2018 ___________________________________________________________________... Viac
V dňoch 11. – 13. septembra 2018 sa vo Vladivostoku konalo v poradí štvrté Východné ekonomické fórum (Eastern Economic Forum / Восточный экономический форум). Témou tohtoročného fóra bolo „Ď... Viac
Obsiahly rozhovor s Lavrovom je venovaný problematike vzťahov Ruska a USA, rozširovaní NATO, dodržiavaní a formovaní pravidiel medzinárodných vzťahov, situácii v Sýrii, na Ukrajine a ďalším... Viac