Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to media questions at a news conference on the results of Russian diplomacy in 2018 Moscow, January 16, 2019 ____________________________... Viac
V rámci rozšíreného zasadnutia kolégia ministra obrany Ruskej federácie bola predložená správa o činnosti ministerstva obrany za rok 2018. Dokument publikujeme v plnom znení v ruskom aj angl... Viac
Vladimir Putin’s annual news conference December 20, 2018 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________... Viac
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda Moscow, December 17, 2018 _________________________________________________________________________________________... Viac
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to media questions at a news conference following the 25th OSCE Ministerial Council Milan, December 7, 2018 _____________________________... Viac
Press conference by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg following the meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Commission 26 November 2018 ____________________________________________________________... Viac
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks at the general meeting of the Russian International Affairs Council Moscow, November 20, 2018 _______________________________________________________... Viac
V USA sa 16. novembra sa uskutočnilo rokovanie ministra zahraničných vecí USA M. Pompea s ministrom zahraničných vecí Ukrajiny P. Klimkinom. Rokovanie bolo súčasťou činnosti Komisie pre str... Viac
Answers to Russian journalists’ questions At the end of his three-day state visit to Singapore, Vladimir Putin answered questions from the Russian media. November 15, 2018 __________________... Viac
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with „Moscow. Kremlin. Putin“ TV programme Moscow, October 25, 2018 ___________________________________________________________________... Viac