Prime Minister Theresa May speech to the Lord Mayor’s Banquet 2017 13 November 2017 My Lord Mayor, My Late Lord Mayor, Your Grace, My Lord Chancellor, Your Excellencies, My Lord... Viac
Declaration by the Heads of State and Government of France, Germany and the United Kingdom Joint statement from Prime Minister Theresa May, Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Emmanuel Ma... Viac
Prime Minister Theresa May Florence speech: a new era of cooperation and partnership between the UK and the EU 22 September 2017 It’s good to be here in this great city of Florence t... Viac
Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson keynote speech at the Lowy Institute On Thursday 27 July the Foreign Secretary delivered the Lowy Institute’s keynote speech at Sydney Town Hall in Sydn... Viac
Press conference – Prime Minister Theresa May with President of France Emmanuel Macron 13 June 2017 ____________________________________________________________________________________... Viac
Asociácia bývalých spravodajských dôstojníkov spolu s Fakultou práva Paneurópskej vysokej školy v Bratislave usporiadali 6.decembra 2016 v poradí už desiate medzinárodné sympózium na tému... Viac
Statement by Ambassador Matthew Rycroft, UK Permanent Representative to the United Nations, on Syria 7 April 2017 ____________________________________________________________________________... Viac
V Londýne sa v dňoch 27. – 31. marca 2017 uskutočňuje medzinárodná parlamentná konferencia o národnej bezpečnosti (International Parliamentary Conference on National Security). Konfer... Viac
Britský parlament uverejnil 74-stranovú správu o vzťahoch Veľkej Británie s Ruskom, „The United Kingdom’s relations with Russia“, ktorú pripravoval takmer rok Výbor pre zahraničn... Viac
President Trump and Prime Minister May’s Opening Remarks The White House, January 27, 2017 _____________________________________________________________________________________________... Viac