Vláda Slovenskej republiky na svojom rokovaní 4. októbra 2017 schválila návrhy bezpečnostnej, obrannej a vojenskej stratégie SR. Dokumenty budú následne prerokované a schválené v Národnej ra... Viac
Europe President Macron’s Initiative for Europe A sovereign, united, democratic Europe 26.09.2017 ____________________________________________________________________________________________... Viac
President of the Republic of Poland delivers address at West Point Academy Thursday, 21 September 2017 Dear General Caslen, Distinguished generals, officers, members of the faculty, D... Viac
Prejav prezident SR Andrej Kisku na 72. Valnom zhromaždení OSN v New Yorku. 19. septembra 2017 Vážený pán predseda, generálny tajomník, Vaše Excelencie, vážení delegáti, dámy a páni.... Viac
European Union – Speech by the President of the French Republic Athens, 7 September 2017 I do not know, ladies and gentlemen, if I should take your applause as indicative of you... Viac
Ambassadors’ Week 2017 – Closing speech by M. Jean-Yves Le Drian, Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs 31.08.2017 ___________________________________________________________________... Viac
Internetový portál denníka Financial Times publikoval 6. septembra 2017 článok „Red faces in Estonia over ID card security flaw“. V článku sa uvádza, že Estónsko utrpelo „trápny úder“ na sv... Viac
Remarks by President Trump and President Niinistö of Finland in Joint Press Conference The White House, August 28, 2017 ______________________________________________________________________... Viac
Arms do not create security Article by Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel in the “Rheinische Post” of 16 August 2017 ____________________________________________________________________________... Viac
“Germany must remain a force for peace” Interview by Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel on transatlantic relations, the North Korea conflict, Turkey, his recent visit to South Sudan, and dealin... Viac