Speech by Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel at the opening of the Paris Peace Forum on 11 November 2018 _______________________________________________________________________________________... Viac
Britain and France: Past, Present and Future Speech given by the Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt in Paris on Thursday 8 November 2018. _________________________________________________________... Viac
We need to talk about disarmament Article by Foreign Minister Heiko Maas in Spiegel Online on the United States’ decision to withdraw from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. 06.1... Viac
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and replies to media questions at the joint news conference following talks with Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic Miro... Viac
Speech the President of RP A. Duda at the general debate of the 73rd Session of UN General Assembly New York, September 26, 2018 _____________________________________________________________... Viac
Speech by Foreign Minister Maas at the general debate of the 73rd General Assembly of the United Nations 28.09.2018 __________________________________________________________________________... Viac
United Nations General Assembly: Speech by President Emmanuel Macron 25 September 2018 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________... Viac
Vystúpenie prezidenta Slovenskej republiky Andreja Kisku na Valnom zhromaždení Organizácie spojených národov New York, 26. septembra 2018 ___________________________________________________... Viac
Poľský prezident Andrzej Duda počas svojej návštevy USA rokoval 18. septembra s americkým prezidentom Donaldom Trumpom. Obsahom rokovaní bola najmä problematika spolupráce v ekonomickej, ene... Viac
Európsky parlament rokoval 12. septembra 2018 o situácii v Maďarsku. Výsledkom bolo uznesenie, že v Maďarsku existuje riziko vážneho porušenia európskych hodnôt. Uznesenie adresované Rade EÚ... Viac