Speech by Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel at the Munich Security Conference 17.02.2018 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________... Viac
Keynote speech by the President of Estonia at MSC side event “NATO’s Challenges on the Eastern Flank: Enhancing Forward Presence and Maintaining Cohesion“ 15.02.2018 _______________________... Viac
Speech by Federal Minister of Defence Dr Ursula von der Leyen on the occasion of the opening of the 54th Munich Security Conference in Munich 16 February 2018 ______________________________... Viac
Speech by Federal Foreign Minister S. Gabriel at the 11th annual conference of the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) in Tel Aviv 31.01.2018 _____________________________________... Viac
„Why Europe should embrace the digital revolution“ Speech by Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel at the „Digital-Life-Design“ Conference in Munich 20.01.2018 ___________... Viac
New Year greetings by M. Emmanuel Macron to the diplomatic corps Paris, 4 January 2018 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________... Viac
Minister zahraničných vecí NSR S. Gabriel poskytol rozhovor nemeckému magazínu „DER SPIEGEL“ – o Nemecku, Európe, USA, Číne, Turecku ako aj o ďalších aktuálnych otázkach m... Viac
“This is not about more of the same – it’s about a different Europe” Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel on the current challenges in global politics, and on Europe’s position in the world. Pub... Viac
Joint press conference with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and President of the French Republic Emmanuel Macron in Paris 19 Dec. 2017 _______________________________________________... Viac
Speech by Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel at the opening of the German Council on Foreign Relations symposium in memory of Dr Sylke Tempel Thinking ahead – mediating 13.12.2017 ____________... Viac