Prime Minister Theresa May speech to the Lord Mayor’s Banquet 2017 13 November 2017 My Lord Mayor, My Late Lord Mayor, Your Grace, My Lord Chancellor, Your Excellencies, My Lord... Viac
Statement by the Presidents of the Russian Federation and the United States of America November 11, 2017 President Trump and President Putin today, meeting on the margins of the APEC confere... Viac
Article by Vladimir Putin, The 25th APEC Economic Leaders‘ Meeting in Danang: Together Towards Prosperity and Harmonious Development November 8, 2017 _________________________________... Viac
Minister zahraničných vecí NSR Sigmar Gabriel vo veľmi otvorenom rozhovore okrem iného povedal: „Šokujúcou vecou o Trumpovi je, že chce nahradiť silu zákona zákonom silných. V jeho mys... Viac
Press statements following talks with Federal President of Federal Republic of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier October 25, 2017, The Kremlin, Moscow ________________________________________... Viac
Meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club October 19, 2017, Sochi Vladimir Putin took part in the final plenary session of the 14th annual meeting of the Valdai International Discu... Viac
PAP: On Wednesday you will start a three-day visit to the South Caucasus. What are the main objectives of the visit? Witold Waszczykowski: We are connected to Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia... Viac
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks at a panel discussion, Society and World Politics, at the 19th World Festival of Youth and Students Sochi, October 16, 2017 ________________________... Viac
Declaration by the Heads of State and Government of France, Germany and the United Kingdom Joint statement from Prime Minister Theresa May, Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Emmanuel Ma... Viac
Internetový portál amerického časopisu Foreign Affairs v článku The Trouble With Arming Ukraine analyzuje problémy, ktoré by mohli vzniknúť, keby Spojené štáty poskytli ukrajinskej armáde tz... Viac