Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to media questions at the Munich Security Conference, Munich, February 16, 2019 _________________________________________________________... Viac
The Munich Security Conference Gavin Williamson gave a speech at the 2019 Munich Security Conference outlining the UK’s commitment to NATO and European security 15 February 2019 ______... Viac
Defence in Global Britain Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson gave a speech at RUSI outlining the future direction of the UK Armed Forces. 11 February 2019 ___________________________________... Viac
V ruskom Soči sa 14. februára 2019 uskutočnilo v poradí už štvrté trojstranné stretnutie za účasti prezidentov Ruska, Iránu a Turecka venované riešeniu sýrskeho konfliktu. Vladimír Putin, Ha... Viac
Remarks by Vice President Pence and President Duda of Poland in Joint Press Statement Belvedere Palace, Warsaw, Poland February 13, 2019 _____________________________________________________... Viac
Minister zahraničných vecí USA navštívil 12. februára Slovensko. Rokoval s prezidentom A. Kiskom, premiérom P. Pellegrinim a ministrom zahraničných vecí SR M. Lajčákom. M. Pompeo položil ven... Viac
V Litve bola publikovaná správa venovaná hodnoteniu bezpečnostných hrozieb krajine „Grėsmių nacionaliniam saugumui vertinimą/National Security Threat Assessment“. Dokument spoločne vypracov... Viac
Press Availability With Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto Michael R. Pompeo, Secretary of State Budapest, Hungary, February 11, 2019 ________________________________________________... Viac
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and replies to questions in the Russian-Tajik Slavonic University Dushanbe, February 5, 2019 ________________________________________________________... Viac
Prime Minister Theresa May speech in Belfast 5 February 2019 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________... Viac