Speech by M. Emmanuel Macron, President of the Republic Ambassadors‘ conference Paris 2019-08-27 _____________________________________________________________________________________... Viac
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with the MIC Izvestia multimedia information centre Vladivostok, September 4, 2019 ________________________________________________________________... Viac
Remarks by President Trump and President Macron of France in Joint Press Conference Biarritz, France August 26, 2019 ________________________________________________________________________... Viac
Výskumné pracovisko Kongresu USA (Congressional Research Service) publikovalo materiál „Russia’s Nuclear Weapons: Doctrine, Forces, and Modernization“. Jeho zámerom je poskytnúť komplexnú i... Viac
Štátny tajomník ministerstva zahraničných vecí NSR Niels Annen predniesol podnetný prejav, zameraný najmä na problematiku nových prístupov pri kontrole a nešírení jadrových zbraní. V prejave... Viac
Presidents of Russia and France made press statements and answered media questions Ahead of their talks, President of Russia Vladimir Putin and President of France Emmanuel Macron made press... Viac
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s speech at the Terra Scientia National Educational Youth Forum Solnechnogorsk, August 15, 2019 _______________________________________________________________... Viac
Statement by Foreign Minister Heiko Maas “Defending the liberal democracy in the 21st century” in Toronto 14.08.2019 ________________________________________________________________________... Viac
A return to disarmament Our goal of a world without nuclear weapons is receding ever further into the distance – but arms control must be brought back to centre stage. An article by Heiko Ma... Viac
Koncom júla bola vo Francúzsku publikovaná vesmírna obranná stratégia (Stratégie spatiale de défense 2019). Dokument reaguje na prebiehajúcu militarizáciu kozmického priestoru, ktorý sa st... Viac