Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to media questions at a news conference on Russia’s diplomatic performance in 2019 Moscow, January 17, 2020 _____________________________... Viac
Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly The President of Russia delivered the Address to the Federal Assembly. The ceremony took place at the Manezh Central Exhibition Hall. January 15,... Viac
News conference following Russian-German talks Following the Russian-German talks, Vladimir Putin and Federal Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel made statements for the press and answered j... Viac
Statement from the heads of state and government of France, Germany and the United Kingdom 12 January 2020 ___________________________________________________________________________________... Viac
Ministerstvo zahraničných vecí Ruskej federácie zverejnilo hodnotenie dosiahnutých výsledkov ruskej zahraničnej politiky v roku 2019. Materiál publikujeme v plnom znení. * * * Main foreign... Viac
CIS informal summit An informal CIS summit took place in St Petersburg. December 20, 2019 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________... Viac
Speech by Foreign Minister Heiko Maas to open the conference “Advocating Human Rights in the 21st Century” 10.12.2019 _______________________________________________________________________... Viac
Secretary Michael R. Pompeo and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov at a Press Availability WASHINGTON, DC, DECEMBER 10, 2019 _____________________________________________________________... Viac
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to media questions at the 5th international conference Rome MED 2019 – Mediterranean Dialogues Rome, December 6, 2019 _____________... Viac
“European digital sovereignty is long overdue” Foreign Minister Heiko Maas talks to Die Zeit weekly newspaper 04.12.2019 ____________________________________________________________________... Viac