Prejav poradcu pre národnú bezpečnosť prezidenta USA J. Boltona pre americké sionistické organizácie
Remarks by National Security Advisor Ambassador John Bolton to the Zionist Organization of America New York City, November 4, 2018 __________________________________________________________... Viac
Remarks at the 36th Annual Jewish Institute for National Security of America Awards Dinner Michael R. Pompeo, Secretary of State Grand Hyatt Hotel, Washington, DC, October 10, 2018 _________... Viac
Ministerstvo zahraničných vecí USA vydalo správu o deštruktívnych aktivitách Iránu „OUTLAW REGIME: A CHRONICLE OF IRAN’S DESTRUCTIVE ACTIVITIES“. Správa sa týka iránskej podpory terori... Viac
Remarks at National Security Summit Brian Hook Senior Policy Advisor to the Secretary of State and Special Representative for Iran The Foundation for Defense of Democracies, Washington, Au... Viac
Ústav medzinárodních vztahů Praha publikoval na svojej internetovej stránke analýzu Miroslava Tůmu z Centra medzinárodního práva venovanú problematike odstúpenia USA od iránskej jadrovej do... Viac
Briefing With an Iran Diplomacy Update Brian Hook, Director of Policy Planning Washington, DC, July 2, 2018 __________________________________________________________________________________... Viac
After the Deal: A New Iran Strategy Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State, The Heritage Foundation, Washington, DC, May 21, 2018 ___________________________________________________________________... Viac
Dňa 14. júla 2015 bola prijatá konečná verzia dohody o iránskom jadrovom programe „Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action“ /JCPOA/. Na dohode participovali Čína, Francúzsko, Nemecko, Rusko, Spoj... Viac
Prime Minister Theresa May statement on Syria 16 April 2018 ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mr Speaker, before I come to th... Viac
Press point by NATO Secretary General J. Stoltenberg after North Atlantic Council meeting on Syria 14 April 2018 _____________________________________________________________________________... Viac