We need a firm political will to implement the Minsk agreements Interview by Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel with the Russian news agency Interfax on the occasion of his visit to Moscow, pub... Viac
“Strengthening Europe is the right response” Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel talks to the Frankfurter Allgemeine newspaper (interview published on 16 February 2017) _________________________... Viac
Minister zahraničných vecí NSR Frank-Walter Steinmeier poskytol rozhovor nemeckým novinám Rheinische Post. V rozhovore, ktorý bol publikovaný 2. januára 2017, sa venuje najmä problematike vý... Viac
„Diplomacia začína vnímaním a ochotou pokúsiť sa pochopiť toho druhého – jeho alebo jej motívy, postoje, vplyvy. Keď niekedy počujem pokrytecké debaty ohľadom takzvaných „obhajcov Ruska“, „... Viac
“A political earthquake can be a wake-up call” Interview with Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier on the result of the US presidential election. Published in spiegel.de, 11 November 201... Viac
„Transatlantic Challenges – a European Perspective“ Speech by Minister of State for Europe Michael Roth at the University of Illinois in Chicago 28.10.2016 Ladies and Gentlemen,... Viac
“The world has become more unpredictable” Interview with Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier on the European Union, the crisis in Ukraine and the situation in Syria. Published in the Mä... Viac
Speech on security by Foreign Minister Frank‑Walter Steinmeier at the 12th Petersberg Talks 08.10.2016 _______________________________________________________________________________________... Viac
Joint press conference by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and the German Minister of Foreign Affairs, Frank-Walter Steinmeier ________________________________________________________... Viac
Consequences of Brexit Interview given by M. Jean-Marc Ayrault, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Development, to iTélé – (25.06.16) ______________________________________... Viac